Religious Education

Religious Education

Our school invites students to discover God's presence in their daily lives. Within a Gospel centred environment, students are challenged and supported to find ways to better understand themselves and the world in which they live. 

This is offered through sharing in Scripture its stories, experiences, teachings and learning about traditional Catholic practises of worship.

Religious Education is at the centre of the Catholic School Curriculum and is reflected in a visible symbolic culture and active sacramental and liturgical practice. This allows students to explore their life experiences in the context of Catholic teachings and traditions. Participation in Religious Education is compulsory for all students at our school. 

St. Mary's recognizes and appreciates that faith development is a life long journey and that the family is the first educator of the child.

The Prep to Year 6 program seeks to build students' knowledge of Sacred Story, Sign and Symbol, Ritual and Living Life in the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Religious Education is implemented using the Melbourne Archdiocese Religious Education text series To Know, Worship and Love. Lessons include learning and teaching activities such as listening to and retelling of Scripture stories, role playing, class discussions, group and individual prayer, singing, illustrating, painting, dramatizations and constructing models.

Whole school Masses and Prayer Liturgies are an integral part of our school calendar and are linked to the Liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church and its Feast Days, as well as to celebrate special occasions such as Anzac Day, National Sorry Day and Remembrance Day. Each year level celebrates one Family Mass throughout the year at a 10.30am Sunday Parish Mass.
From Prep to Year 6, students participate in a classroom based Sacrament program, which builds upon the foundations of each year. Sacraments are celebrated in our Parish, strengthening and affirming valuable links between the Parish and the school community. Students receive Sacraments at the following levels:

• Year 3 - Reconciliation
• Year 4 - Eucharist
• Year 6 – Confirmation
