Student Well Being

The wellbeing landscape of the Catholic school incorporates all aspects of school community life from students’ physical, intellectual, moral, social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and development to the safe and supportive environment in which they learn. 

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them" Genesis 1:27

At St Mary’s Williamstown we believe that wellbeing is integral to learning and that students need a strong sense of wellbeing.

By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, St Mary’s, by its whole school approach to wellbeing, contributes to the development of students’ sense of self worth, enthusiasm for learning and optimism for the future.

Wellbeing refers to students’ physical, intellectual, moral, social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and development.

Wellbeing is in everyone’s interest

Wellbeing fosters learning, prosocial behaviour and social inclusion

Wellbeing is the presence of positive levels of feelings and psychosocial functioning

Wellbeing is flourishing rather than languishing

Wellbeing is about being resilient, being connected with others, having healthy relationships and a positive approach to life’s opportunities and challenges

Wellbeing is a positive state of affairs brought about by the simultaneous satisfaction of personal, organisational and collective needs of individuals and communities

Anecdotally the terms ‘welfare’ and ‘wellbeing’ have been used interchangeably, however current research and literature prefer the use of the term ‘wellbeing’. This term reflects the inclusive nature of schooling and a whole-school approach.

Some of the programs we use to support our students include:-

- Respectful Relationships.

- You Can Do it.

- Bounce Back
